Diabadass is a leading company committed to providing comprehensive support for type 1 diabetics trying to improve themselves. Our mission is to empower individuals living with diabetes to lead confident, active, and fulfilling lives, despite the challenges of managing this condition. There are no shortcuts, we work together as a community to better each other in any way possible.
We fearlessly take steps forward and continue to attack challenges head on, even with our chronic illness. We offer a wide range of education, online community/discussion boards as well as high-quality supplements, clothing apparel, bags, medical accessories and more, specifically designed to enhance the daily lives of diabetics. As a Type 1 Diabetic and Veteran owned business, we strive to create a community that fosters positivity, resilience, and a “can-do” attitude. We do not accept victim mentality; personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion. Turn Type 1 Diabetes into your superpower, we are Diabadasses! #Ownit

From the Founder